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Quest Verifiable CPD Quality Assurance Policy

Quest is committed to providing training courses that meet the GDC’s guidance to dental professionals regarding ‘Quality controls for verifiable CPD’.


We use COPDEND Framework for providing QA for each event.


Our External QA Assessor is Dr. Latha Mallya.

To meet the GDC’s standards all Quest courses offering verifiable CPD include:

  • Concise aims and objectives advertised clearly and present on CPD certificates

  • Anticipated learning outcomes advertised clearly and present on CPD certificates


Pre-CPD quality controls include: 

  • Delivery of evidence-based content.

  • Appropriate recruitment and selection of those delivering CPD

  • Integration of pre-existing feedback when designing CPD activities

  • Transparency of verifiable criteria through clear publication of aims, objectives and outcomes


Quality controls during a CPD activity include: 

  • Robust methods in place to confirm attendance and complete participation by attendees

  • Methods to monitor and evaluate content delivery

  • Content relating to anticipated learning outcomes throughout delivery

  • Assessment of learning

  • Accurate measurement of duration of CPD activity


Quality controls after a CPD activity include:

  • Post-delivery evaluation in the form of a feedback survey

  • A complaints procedure

  • An annual review of currently available courses for content accuracy

  • A triggered review whenever there are incidents of significant negative feedback or complaints


Verifiable CPD Quality Assurance Procedure

The purpose of this procedure is to comply with the GDC’s guidance to dental professionals regarding ‘Quality controls for verifiable CPD’ and to meet the company verifiable CPD quality assurance policy.


  1. Every verifiable CPD course mapped againstverifiable CPD quality assurance form as per COPDEND framework.

  2.  Using the form the authorised individual must approve the course presenter and provide details of their credentials before the course is commissioned

  3. Using the form the authorised individual must approve the course content, ensuring that it is evidence based.

  4. Using the form the Assessor will approve the aims, objectives and learning outcomes of the course before the course is published

  5. The authorising individual must ensure that the aims, objectives and learning outcomes are advertised with the course.

  6. Quest must ensure that the assessment is appropriate to measure whether the learning outcomes have been achieved.

  7. Quest will review post course feedback surveys and highlight any significant issues to the course lecturer.

  8. Quest will respond to any complaints regarding verifiable CPD in writing in line with complaints procedure.

  9. Complaints and incidents of significant negative feedback will result in an ad hoc review of the course, with details being recorded.

  10. There will be an annual review of all courses.

  11. Any changes made to courses as a result of complaints, negative feedback or annual review will be recorded


Verifiable CPD Complaints Policy


It is our aim to always have satisfied delegates, meeting expectations of educational quality and to resolve any complaints as efficiently and effectively as possible. We take complaints very seriously and will endeavour to respond to you swiftly, resolving the complaint as quickly as is possible.


As a provider of verifiable CPD we follow the GDC guidance and our own CPD quality assurance policy and procedures.

If you are not entirely satisfied with any aspect of our verifiable CPD please let us know as soon as possible to allow us to address your concerns promptly. We will never discriminate against clients who have made a complaint.

Please address all complaints to Girish Bharadwaj  If we cannot resolve your complaint immediately it will be acknowledged in writing within 3 working days and we aim to provide a full response within 10 working days.

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